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10.-27.08.2011 | La Transe Gaule (F) | ||||||
1162km/18Tage |
Letzte Änderung am 09-01-2011 durch Steppenhahn brief history in English:A short journey through History Reading an article relative to Le Tour de France the American promoter C.C. Pyle decided to experiment this multi-day stage race concept in the USA. But, as an American, he wanted to build something bigger, tougher. So he forgot the bicycles. And then was born in 1928 the Bunion Derby. The first running race across the USA from Los Angeles to New York City. 189 pioneers attempted the challenge and 55 of them succeeded after 5374 kilometres. Running history will keep in mind Andy Payne who earned a huge 25000 dollars prize money awarded to the winner. A second edition has been held in 1929 in the reverse way. But, due to bankruptcy, the race-director could not award any prize money and the event disappeared like all the victims of the Wall Street Black Thursday and the economical recession. The spirit of adventure continued to lure intrepid individual to cross the USA alone but we had to wait until 1985 until two fellows runners wanted to relive the big race. This duel–race will be named the Lou Gehrig Race for Life. After more than 5500 km in the strides of each other Marvin Skagerberg defeated the Englishman Malcolm Campbell with a tiny gap of 16 minutes... Then in 1992 Jesse Dale Riley and Michael Kenney, both US citizens, turned the famous derby in the TransAmerica Footrace, which will be held till 1995 with a field between 15 to 30 runners depending on the Edition. Unfortunately after the withdrawal of a major sponsor, this event had to disappear too. With the new millennium on another continent started on the first days of 2001 the Trans Australia Race of Fire for it’s first flight from Perth to Canberra. 2002 was the year for the Run Across USA and finally it was time for Europe with the Trans Europa organized by a German team. From coast to coast Back to France! Following the tracks of these huge coast-to–coast races of which every European ultra runner dreams, two Frenchmen are now organizing La Transe Gaule Footrace. An event created under the influence of the Pedestrians and the Flanagan Run novel. Something smaller, but still a coast-to-coast stage race. A route free of wilderness, free of parched deserts, free of straight lines going to the infinite. Only one marathon and half a day could be seen as a reasonable walk ! 1166km (720 miles) across the scenic French countryside on small roads with low traffic. Here is the best way to discover the whole France in its diversity which is unique. Bretagne, Pays de Loire, Limousin, Anjou, Auvergne, Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc-Roussillon are the provinces which will welcome you. The rules are very basic: * Every stage distance is between 50km (31 miles) and 77km (48 miles), with a 5.5km per hour (3.5 mph) cut-off time * 18 stages / 18 days * Daily stage results and overall results realised with cumulated times. According to these rules it means this race looks demanding and requests a significant ultrarunning experience. But nobody knows what a real man can do with faith, daring, courage, enthusiasm, self-transcendence. Sometimes a miracle can happen ! Runners will be authorised to provide their own crew vehicle and handler(s) but this is not required because they will be sure to find some help stations on every stage (K 15, K 30 and then every 10 K until the end of the stage). During the race, they are allowed to stop for supply at fountains, coffee shops, groceries and so on. Organization will provide a road-book with all the appropriate details, they will paint some marks on the roads to make you the life easier, they will be responsible for time keeping and rankings which will be communicated evening day. Dinners are also included in entry fee and basic accommodation will be offered for free. Ultrarunning is a mind’s game La Transe Gaule will be more than a running race. This journey means a human adventure where runners, crews and volunteers will share together the way of life during three weeks in a good atmosphere, with straight peoples, fair-play, and tolerance. An experience we could compare to this Jack Kerouac’s novel On the road. As ultrarunners themselves, race directors know for what you are looking for… Enclosed : Rules Section. If any change to come, we will let you know it. For further information we encourage you to email us (our e-mail: France is beautiful, running through it is a great chance ! Alte Beschreibung: "La Transe Gaule" - ein Multiday-Race quer durch Frankreich, von Roscoff (Bretagne bei Brest) nach Gruissan-Plage (Golfe de Lyon), 1162 km in 18 Tagesetappen, durchschnittlich 64,55 km/Tag (50-77km). Die Cutoff Time ist 5,5km/h, 35 TeilnehmerInnen maximal, 1050 Euro Entry Fee: "This coast to coast race is a good way to discover the diversity of the french countryside.Every day a different scenery,a different architecture,a different wine" ;-)) dieses jahr braucht man kein eigenes betreuerteam mehr, es gibt verpflegungstände bei km 15, 30, 40, 50, 60 und70 2004: siehe auch News-Beitrag | ||||||
Kontakt: | (Das ganze leider nur auf Französisch, die Ausschreibung in Papierform ist aber auch in Englisch vorhanden.) | ||||||
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Martin Wagen (, Ersttäter 2001, der gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht) schreibt weiter dazu: Im Reglement steht, man müsse ein eigenes Begleitfahrzeug mitbringen. Dies ist nicht mehr aktuell. Man kann nun auch solo (z.B. mit Camelbak) das Rennen antreten. Wäre mit Sicherheit auch ein sehr interessantes Rennen für Läufer aus Deutschland, oder? Vor allem für Einsteiger in den Bereich der Mehrtagesrennen (wie ich), zumal es in Frankreich natürlich keine Wüsten und nicht allzuhohe Hindernisse in der Form von Bergen gibt. Ihr kennt noch einen Bericht, habt weitere Infos oder gar den neuen Termin? Mail an den Steppenhahn Letzte Änderung: 09-01-2011 | ||||||
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