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Westweg-Abenteuerlauf im Schwarzwald - Ultramarathon beim Steppenhahn (10.2000)
Westweg-Abenteuerlauf im Schwarzwald (D-75)
Letzte Änderung am 05-04-2007 durch Steppenhahn
Durchquerung des Schwarzwaldes von Nord nach Süd - von Pforzheim nach Basel in 7 Etappen. Distanz 283km, ca. 7500 Hm Aufstieg

Walter Eberhard schreibt: "Erlebnislaufen? - eine neue Dimension im Ausdauersport !"

Im Juli 2000 erfüllte ich mir einen Jugendtraum. Mein Kollege Michael Maier und ich liefen den Westweg in 6 Tagen. Diese Tage hinterließen unauslöschbare Erinnerungen.
Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt waren wir beide in der Disziplin 24-Stundenlauf Deutsche, Michael Maier sogar europäische Spitze. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an interessierte uns das Wettkampfgeschehen immer weniger. "Erlebnislaufen" wurde unsere Leidenschaft. Deshalb beschlossen wir, den Westweg als Abenteuer-Laufveranstaltung anzubieten...

Mehr Infos auf der Webseite!

(Dank an Hans Sütterlin für den Hinweis auf den Lauf!)
78054 VS-Schwenningen
Tel.: 01738099689
4. Westweg Abenteuerlauf [June 10-16 2006]

From June16 until June 16 the 4th edition of the Westweg Abenteuerlauf
took place in the Black Forest. The Black Forest is an area in the southern
part of Germany, situated at a height between about 1500 and 4500 feet,
with lots of hills and forests. The Westweg Abenteuerlauf is a stage-run,
which crosses the entire Black Forest from north to south in 7 daily
stages, mostly using the Westweg, a wellknown hiking-path. The total
distance is about 180 miles and the total positive elevation is some 24000
feet. This event is not a race, as the running is done group-wise at an
average speed of about 4 miles/hour (15 minutes/mile). Running where
possible, but (speed)walking where it is too steep. Every stage has
numerous aidstations with plenty of food and drinks. There are also breaks
to have a quick look at sites of cultural importance or natural beauty.
Participants don't have to run the whole course, they can also enter for 1
or more single stages or parts of stages. Luggage-transport is taken care
of and during the night the participants are staying in hotels. This year
there was a total of 19 participants from 2 different nations (Germany and
the Netherlands). With 6 runners the women were also well-represented. This event offers its participants the opportunity to get to know the Black
Forest-area a little bit better. During the daytime you run through it and
in the evening you have the opportunity to eat the local specialities. Of
course a relaxed 180 miles of running/walking in 1 week can also be
considered as a very good preparation for a 100 k- or 100 miles-event later
this year.
On the website of the organisation ( you can
find all necessary contact-info in case you wish to receive more detailed
information on this event.


Bram van der Bijl

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Letzte Änderung: 05-04-2007
Kommentare Kommentare zu diesem Lauf:
  • 283 KM Kurt Baldauf 09-01-2003 20:24

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