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  • News from Transe Gaule
    Dear Transe Gaule Veterans and friends,

    We wish you a very happy new year and all the best for 2004. This Olympic
    year will surely be a great one since, for the first time in the human
    history, Olympic Games and Transe Gaule will take place together during 5
    days… Yes ! The 28th Olympic Games will be hold in Athens – the most
    aggressive and polluted capital in Europe – from August 13 to 29 (Athletics
    from August 18 to 29) while 3rd Transe Gaule – more green than ever ! – will
    cross France from August 25 to September 11. That means some of you will
    have to choose between the noisy megapole and the countryside, between EPO
    and BOLINO shoots...

    Transe Gaule III registration is officially opened from January 2 but some
    nervous runners already sent us entry forms and payment in the last months…
    We consider we have now around 20 pre-registered runners, half of them
    coming outside from France, with many Germans ready to follow the steps of
    Rainer Koch and Karlheinz Kobus. Women participation is also interesting
    with 3 German and 2 French ladies already registered.

    Concerning those who will come back to visit Gaule Annick Le Moignic*, from
    Rouen, will run after her second star while Jacques Martin**, from Nice, and
    Daniel Muller**, from Narbonne, will come for catching a third one. Unlucky
    Bernard Roy who dropped out in 2001 and 2002 is ready for a third start in
    Roscoff and to get his first finisher tee-shirt. From the other side of the
    Atlantic, U.S. boys Don Winkley** and Peter Bakwin* could also be back this

    Race numbers will be from 1 to 35, not more… They will be affected as
    complete entry form arrive, from people having run less than 12 hours for
    100 K or more than 150 K for 24-Hours in the last 4 years. So, if you plan
    to participate this year, he could be important to send us a short mail to
    make a reservation !

    Same as you, we did not ONLY take rest in 2003. Last summer was very hot
    here but we worked on Transe Gaule updating and we crossed France from north
    to south a new time, looking for these country roads you like so much. Here
    are modifications for Transe Gaule III :

    - Altogether, 252 K will be modified (22% of full course) for a new total of
    1162 K (instead of 1145 K) from Roscoff lighthouse to « Plage des Chalets »
    at Gruissan, 10 km south of Narbonne-Plage.

    - Longest stage will be number 12 (instead of number 2), which will be 77 K
    (instead of 78 K) and will come the day after shortest one (number 11) which
    will be 50 K (instead of 49 K).

    - 4 end-of-stage towns changed, 14 others unchanged :
    Stage 1 : PLOUNEVEZEL (instead of Huelgoat)
    Stage 12 : MAURIAC (instead of Neuvic)
    Stage 13 : AURILLAC (instead of Jussac)
    Stage 18 : GRUISSAN-Plage (instead of Narbonne-Plage)

    - Stage 13 across the département of Cantal, from Mauriac to Aurillac will
    be 100% new, using a touristic road named « la Route des Crêtes » (Crest
    Road) and will visit the famous medieval village of Salers. It will be a
    very beautiful 66 K long stage, so we could rename it « Road 66 ». This
    magnificent itinerary will be unforgettable, inside “Auvergne Volcanoes
    National Park” [1].

    - Remember these terrible 30 K in hell from Doué-la-Fontaine to Loudun, with
    wild trucks trying to kill you ?… Forget it ! Only 4,5 K of this road will
    still be used, the rest of it having been changed with quiet country roads
    and even including a short trail section among wineyards.

    - We will place water supply points every day at Km 15, 30 and then every 10
    K until finish line, it means 4 to 6 aid stations daily. Of course, runners
    will still be allowed to refuel at any time and any place and still can be
    accompanied with a personnel vehicle and handler. But if alone, you will be
    sure to find a minimum help every 15 or 10 K.

    - Because of the managing of these aid stations and because we are waiting
    for more runners than for the last two editions, Transe Gaule 2004 will not
    be opened to handbikes nor wheelchairs [2].

    - Entry fee = 999 Euros / 1199 USD. 10% discount if you already participated
    once, 15% if you already participated twice.

    That’s all folks ! Summer 2004 should be busy… All the best to all of you
    and many thanks to those who still send us news from all over the (running)
    world. We hope to see you soon « chez nous » in our Douce France or
    somewhere else on some other beautiful roads… Au revoir.

    Jean-Benoît & Christophe.

    P.S. Please note Christophe new postal address, (JB did not change) :
    Chr. Rochotte – 8, Place St-Exupéry – 21200 BEAUNE - France
    J.-B. Jaouen – Kerlosquet – 29250 ST POL DE LEON - France

    [1] Michel Dumont-St-Priest who is Luc’s father and knowing very well this
    place is the one who suggested this new road to us. You will thank him for
    it !
    [2] Very sorry for all wheelchairs runners and a special sorry for Bernard
    Grojean. We wish him to success in his TransAmerica dream this year. He and
    Luc Dumont-St-Priest will try the astonishing Grand Chelem and unbelievable
    hat-trick : Transe Gaule + Trans Europe + TransAmerica, these 3 races in
    less than 2 years (exactly from Aug. 28, 2002 to Aug. 21, 2004 !). Ouahhh !
    Casimir and Mélodie must be so happy to be back on holidays soon !…

    (26.01.2004, Steppenhahn)

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